MacWorld Secrets (3rd Edition)
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File Transfer.rsrc
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Text File
83 lines
One file could not be deleted since it is currently being downloaded.
Volume not found.
I/O error or bad block number.
File not found.
Directory not found.
Save as:
This file has been partially downloaded. Use the Download Manager to finish downloading it.
File ^1 of ^2.
Download time: about ^2 hour(s), ^3 minute(s) (^1 baud).
Download time: about ^2 minutes (^1 baud).
Download time: about a minute (^1 baud).
Download time: less than a minute (^1 baud).
^1 file(s) selected, totaling ^2K.
Files will be downloaded to volume ^1, folder ^2.
This file has been added to your list of files for later downloading.
Delete the selected file(s) from the list of files you have already downloaded?
Delete the selected file(s) from your list of files to be downloaded later?
Sorry! You must download or remove files from the Download Manager before this file can be downloaded.
You have already downloaded this file. Press “Continue” to download it again.
You have already downloaded this file. Press “Continue” to add it to your list of files for later downloading.
This file has been marked for later downloading. Press “Continue” to download it now.
This file has been partially downloaded. Press “Continue” to finish downloading it.
This file is already in your list of files to be downloaded later.
Downloading “
Uploading “
Transfer Cancelled: Please wait…
Time Remaining: about ^1 minutes
Time Remaining: about ^1 hours
Time Remaining: about a minute
Time Remaining: less than a minute